Principal's Message
Welcome to the Ticonderoga Junior – Senior High School. Ticonderoga Junior - Senior High School is composed of grades 7-12. We pride ourselves on providing a full, comprehensive program to our 350+ member student body. Our student program is rich in athletics, clubs, music, art, technology, and other various personal growth opportunities. Ticonderoga Junior- Senior High School is dedicated and committed to our students at the highest possible level.
We are fortunate to have a strong commitment from our community. This commitment allows us the opportunity to provide a meaningful education for our students. Our staff take responsibility for all our students achieving a quality education, committed to excellence and equity. We want to ensure our students are given the opportunities to be the most prepared for whatever their future endeavors hold. Our students proudly enter postsecondary education, trade schools, the United States Armed Forces, and/or the workforce ready for their futures.
The individuals who occupy our building (students, faculty, and staff) create the positive supportive atmosphere that embodies the spirit of the Greater Ticonderoga Community. We are all working together to prepare our students to be valued members of our society.
John W. Donohue